Thank you for all the memories. When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future. -Dian Fossey

Play AJ!

December 29, 2022

Revisiting my Childhood


The Animal Jam Cruise Ship: 2013-2016... 2022

    I'm sure this post will be like speaking into the void, but this blog - and the game Animal Jam - was a significant part of my childhood. 

 I started this blog in 2013 at the age of ten as a kid who wanted to share with the world my favorite game. Which was, of course, Animal Jam. It's safe to say I was a big fan of virtual worlds. At that age, I didn't have very many friends - so the computer was my escape. As were reading and writing, passions I carry to this day.

    Through this once vibrant community, I made many online friends. Even now, I'm inspired to write this post by a friend I had named Neros1234, creator of the Animal Jam Potato. In 2020, Neros wrote a final post. Moving into 2023, I feel compelled to do the same. I cherish the memories I had here - this blog is a relic of my childhood. I recently logged into my account again, "londonpie," after who knows how long. 

Man -  the nostalgia is serious!

    Looking back, I feel like this blog and Animal Jam were huge inspirations for my current trajectory in life! Allow me to introduce myself - my name is Anna. I'm a creative writer (science fiction anybody?), maybe not exactly avid, but I enjoy writing. I'm in college, studying biology and focusing on ecology (hoping to become a researcher!!)

    I've lost touch with a lot of the people I once knew, but looking at the view counter, I've reached over 70,000 views! Since I've been gone, this blog has reached more and more people, who have all hopefully had as much fun with Animal Jam as I have. I'm not even sure where the cruise ship idea came from - but I sure embraced it. 

This blog is a look into who I was as a kid, all my quirky ramblings and thoughts. So, think of it as an archive of a part of my childhood! Unique in this internet age.

Thank you for the memories.

If you want to keep in touch, leave a comment below (nevermind the rules lol). I have Discord, if you're interested; and do play games on Steam. That is, if you've somehow found this on the vastness of the internet.

Wishing you a happy new year - and safest travels on your next cruise!

Captain Londonpie (Anna)

"When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future."  -Dian Fossey 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Wholesome! This is Jordyn, the gal from high school. I totally get it, it's so surreal to visit childhood internet projects. It brings back a ton of memories. Seems like you role-played as an animal on the internet in your childhood. now you're potentially gonna study animals! that's so cool!


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