Thank you for all the memories. When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future. -Dian Fossey

Play AJ!

Gem codes


Gem Codes only work once. Feel free to use these when you log in to get some more gems & items for your account!

Go to and Enter your Username & Password.

Before you hit play, click the box that says "I have a code to enter!"


And enter your code.  You should get a gift box and when you click it you get your gems/item. If the code didn't work, you would get a error message.


Unexpired codes:   Adventure- 500  Ngkidsrox for 1,000 gems    ajbday3 gives a 3rd b-day cake

                               Explorer for 100 gems   10million gives 10 million jammer banner
ngexploer for 1,000  drawing for 500 gems    kangaroo gives 500 gems     hooot gives 500 gems
alphas for 500 gems  Koala gives 500 gems   staysafe gives  Online Safety Plaque   Tirgris gives 500 gems
     Friendship gives 500 gems        Zambezi- 500   Chimbu-500  Nile-500    Thanks- Imprisoned Phantoms
Kama- 500 gems




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3. No BAD behavior! (Like talking about inappropriate topics) Please follow these rules or Mr. Cookie will eat you.
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