Thank you for all the memories. When you realize the value of all life, you dwell less on what is past and concentrate more on the preservation of the future. -Dian Fossey

Play AJ!

October 25, 2014

Trick Or Treat Buckets, and more bone-chilling news

Happy Halloween, my fellow jammers! Londonpie is here... and actually back. Welcome back if you are reading, and please share this with friends. As you know, Halloween is near, and in AJ, that means it's time to celebrate the night of the phantoms. To kick off the day's post, here are six exciting costume ideas for just about every jammer.

And the good thing is that they are all for Non Members... and just ask me if you want the item formulas, or any other information. Just don't copy this image!

Alright, today's new item is a Trick-or-treat bucket found in Jam Mart clothing.... and if you can see, it is clearly one of the few NM items found in the clothing store. I just wish AJ made more NM items. *sigh*

I was looking forward to an item like this anyway! Below is my rating....

Awesome: 10/10
Originality: 6/10
Design: 7/10

Maybe AJ should make a bit better quality items? 

That's all, jammers! :) Come back for more!